Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Desk

Last month I did a post about finding a desk for "my room", you can read about it here  and this month I found my desk!

This is my first purchase from Craig's List and I'm sure I'll be doing more. I even love the I probably won't paint it.

The desk has a couple of nicks, I think a little stain will fix it up.

I also found this great lamp for $7, sorry no before images. I painted the brass parts green, replaced the hanging crystals, and added this pretty shade.

I made my inspiration board from a very ugly print. I replaced the print with cork board and painted the frame.

The room is almost completed... I still need to finish my desk chair, I bought the fabric and just need to have a cushion made.


By the way, my daughter is changing up my blog design...just testing out some new designs, not sure what will be the final design. Thanks for following!


  1. Love what you did with that little lamp... I've seen similar ones and never thought of painting the metal bits!


  2. I have a desk almost like that one, just a little different apron and legs. Beautiful Tiger Maple. I'm still looking for just the right chair, love the one you have waiting in the wings. Coming over from Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed

  3. Found your blog from the comment you left on mine! Love this desk. And I'm becoming kind of obsessed with painting old lamps! Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comments.
