Friday, September 16, 2011

Handy Dandy Shelf

I actually brought this home to hang on the wall...

I had this sitting in my dining room waiting for me to gather supplies and energy to hang it when...I realized it looked great where it was.

My first attempt at accessorising.

Much better, I like the paired down look (now I need to find something for the top of my Hoosier).

It's a great little shelf, it would also look good sitting on a dresser, buffet, or kitchen counter (maybe that's what it's meant to do??).


  1. it is cute. Do you not know anything about its history? I like where it is. I have something similar on my dining room floor, and I think it is meant to be on top of a table.

  2. Absolutely cute.
    You've found just the right assortment to show 'em to their best advantage.
    There you go - when you tire of it here put it over there atop the table.


  3. Oh, did I forget to say
    Brenda, at Cozy Little House
    sent me.


  4. Love the color of the bowls against the wall. Look great! Very cute.
