Monday, August 27, 2012

My "New" Sofa

I love the look of a vintage sofa and have always wanted to have one in my home. I even did a post on this subject about a year family was less than enthusiastic about changing out our current sofa.

So when Hubby and I saw this pretty little thing at the antique mall for a very good price, newly reupholstered in a really pretty Ralph Lauren fabric, we (meaning me) knew the perfect place for it...



  1. I love it, too, and the fabric is fantastic!

  2. Your bedroom looked even more inviting with that vintage piece. A perfect find indeed.

  3. It’s a good thing you had the chance to grab this perfect piece of furniture before others did! It seems like it was more than a coincidence, since it matches your carpet and your wall paint. I only wish you have other throw pillows. The one with the floral fabric is good, but the other two seems off for me.

    Gerry Bossier
